Xenophobia, Nativism and Pan-Africanism in 21st Century Africa: History, Concepts, Practice and Case Study
The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice (Routledge International Handbooks)
Gesammelte Schriften / Akademieausgabe, Bd.4 (Abt.1, Werke, Bd.4), Kritik der reinen Vernunft; Prolegomena...
The Raj and the Rajas: Money and Coinage in Colonial India
Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890-1945
Die Göttinger Septuaginta: Ein editorisches Jahrhundertprojekt (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu...
The Cambridge History of China (The Cambridge History of China, 5, Band 5)
Land Reform in Scotland: History, Law and Policy (Scotland's Land)
Aristoteles: Aristotelis Opera. Volumen II
Strange Allies: Britain, France and the Dilemmas of Disarmament and Security, 1929-1933 (Routledge Studies in Modern...
Buddhism and Gandhara: An Archaeology of Museum Collections (Archaeology and Religion in South Asia)
Kuwait and Al-Sabah: Tribal Politics and Power in an Oil State
Tree of Jesse Iconography in Northern Europe in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Routledge Research in Art and...
A Political Ecology of Kenya’s Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (Eastern Africa, 58)
Handbuch Wirtschaft im Nationalsozialismus (Handbücher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Secularism in the Arab World: Contexts, Ideas and Consequences (In Translation: Modern Muslim Thinkers)
A Concise History of Modern Korea: From the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present, Volume 2, Third Edition
First Encounters: Native Voices on the Coming of the Europeans
The Political Economy of Indo-European Polytheism: How to Deal with Too Many Gods (Contributions to Economics)
Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: Language, Rhetoric and the Traditions of Hatred (Perspectives on the Holocaust)
The Cultural History of Augustan Rome: Texts, Monuments, and Topography
Zur Theorie von Krieg und Frieden in der italienischen Renaissance: Die "Disputatio de pace et bello zwischen...
Aristotle on the Concept of Shared Life (Classics in Theory)
British Humanitarian Activity in Russia, 1890-1923