Architectural Graphics: Volume 2 - Graphics for Knowledge and Production (Springer Series in Design and Innovation...
Die chinesische Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert (Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur)
Die Göttinger Septuaginta: Ein editorisches Jahrhundertprojekt (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu...
Massimo Listri: Les Plus Belles Bibliothèques Du Monde
The Routledge Handbook of Privacy and Social Media (Routledge Handbooks in Communication Studies)
Data-Driven Modeling & Scientific Computation: Methods for Complex Systems & Big Data
Information Storage: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction: ICAMC 2021 (Lecture...
Interactive Storytelling: 15th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2022, Santa Cruz...
The Economics of Books and Reading
Repatriation of Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Experiences of Return in Central Australia (Museums in Focus)
Confronting Colonial Objects: Histories, Legalities, and Access to Culture (Cultural Heritage Law and Policy)
Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century: Contributions from Community Archaeology (One World Archaeology)
The Future of Freemasonry in Denmark: Growth or Decline?
Digitalisierungsmanagement in Gesundheitssystemen (Gesundheitsmarkt in der Praxis)
Research Methods: Information, Systems, and Contexts
La formazione delle raccolte nelle biblioteche pubbliche. Dall'analisi dei bisogni allo sviluppo delle collezioni...
unBinding Bodies - Zur Geschichte des Füßebindens in China (Edition Kulturwissenschaft)
Le Livre des morts: Papyrus d'Ani, de Hunefer d'Anhaï du British Museum
Refocusing Academic Libraries through Learning and Discourse: The Idea of a Library (Chandos Information Professional...
Reati contro il patrimonio culturale (Diritto amministrativo e degli enti locali)
Studies in Archaeological Conservation
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