Xenophobia, Nativism and Pan-Africanism in 21st Century Africa: History, Concepts, Practice and Case Study
Constructing the Craft of Public Administration: Perspectives from Australia
How Everyday Forms of Racial Categorization Survived Imperialist Censuses in Puerto Rico
State-led Privatisation and the Demise of the Democratic State: Welfare Reform and Localism in an Era of Regulatory...
Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management: An Introduction (Routledge Masters in Public...
The Palgrave Handbook of Security, Risk and Intelligence
CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action
Entrepreneurship in the Fourth Sector: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Sustainable Business Models (Studies on...
Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century (Federalism and Internal Conflicts)
The Reshaping of China-Southeast Asia Relations in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being: Insights from Cross-Cultural Studies (Societies and Political Orders in...
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care
The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory
Grundlagen der Sozialtheorie, in 3 Bdn., Bd.1, Handlungen und Handlungssysteme (Scientia Nova)
A Novel Approach to China: What China Debaters Can Learn from Contemporary Chinese Novelists (China in Transformation)
Pink Hats and Ballots: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Women's Political Activism in the Age of Trump, Coronavirus...
Narratives of Trauma and Moral Agency among Christian Post-9/11 Veterans
The Political Economy of Indo-European Polytheism: How to Deal with Too Many Gods (Contributions to Economics)
The Geography of Serbia: Nature, People, Economy (World Regional Geography Book Series)
How to Win Campaigns: Communications for Change
Sustainable Consumption: The Right to a Healthy Environment
Globalisierung, Integration und effiziente Finanzpolitik in Europa: Zur Aufgabenverteilung zwischen der Europäischen...
The European Union's International Promotion of LGBTI Rights: Promises and Pitfalls (Routledge Studies in Gender...
Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings their Due