The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Agency (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy)
The Routledge Handbook of Commodification (Routledge International Handbooks)
Aristoteles: Aristotelis Opera. Volumen II
The Art of Serendipity (Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture)
CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action
Zola: An Intellectual Quest for Justice (Peacemakers)
Creation of Wittgenstein, The: Understanding the Roles of Rush Rhees, Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care
History of Chinese Philosophy in the Ming Dynasty
Grundlagen der Sozialtheorie, in 3 Bdn., Bd.1, Handlungen und Handlungssysteme (Scientia Nova)
The Mysteries of Mithras: A Different Account (Orientalische Religionen in der Antike, Band 24)
A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volume 6: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the...
Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof (Synthese Library, Band 412)
Kulturen und Werte: Wittgensteins "Kringel-Buch" als Initialtext (Über Wittgenstein, 1, Band 1)
An Ancient Greek Philosophy of Management Consulting: Thinking Differently About Its Assumptions, Principles and...
The Moral Metaphor System: A Conceptual Metaphor Approach
Philosophy and the New Physics (Routledge Revivals)
Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology
Setting Health-Care Priorities: What Ethical Theories Tell Us
Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language (3)
Das Angesicht JHWHs: Studien zu seinem höfischen und kultischen Bedeutungshintergrund in den Psalmen und in Exodus 32...
Founding Mathematics on Semantic Conventions (Synthese Library, 446, Band 446)
Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings their Due
Resolving Security Dilemmas: A Constructivist Explanation of the INF Treaty (Routledge Revivals)