Data Science in Engineering, Volume 9: Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural...
Silicat Lexikon: Nichtmetallisch-anorganische Werkstoffe, vorwiegend silicatische Minerale und Gesteine, Biographien
Handbook of Adhesion Technology
Handbook of Magnetic Materials (Volume 9)
Manuel de la philologie de l’édition (Manuals of Romance Linguistics, 4, Band 4)
Alternatives to Antibiotics: Recent Trends and Future Prospects
European Transformations: The Long Twelfth Century (Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies)
Photodetectors: Materials, Devices and Applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)
Aristoteles: Aristotelis Opera. Volumen II
Wasserversorgung, Abwassertechnik, Wasserbau: Begriffe (DIN-Taschenbuch)
Tree of Jesse Iconography in Northern Europe in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Routledge Research in Art and...
Buddhism and Gandhara: An Archaeology of Museum Collections (Archaeology and Religion in South Asia)
Kuwait and Al-Sabah: Tribal Politics and Power in an Oil State
Overcoming Tradition And Modernity: The Search For Islamic Authenticity
Measuring Systemic Risk: A Probabilistic Perspective (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Band 409)
Frontier Technologies in Bovine Reproduction
Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschprachigen Raum. 1650 bis 1750: Zeitalter des Konfessionalismus: Band 4...
Word and Sentence Prosody: The Endangered Dialect of Koshikijima Japanese (Phonology and Phonetics [PP], 31)
Hanyang Kut: Korean Shaman Ritual Music from Seoul (Routledge Library Editions: Korean Studies, 2, Band 2)
Mechanical Vibrations in Spacecraft Design
UX Writing: Designing User-Centered Content
Everybody Up: Level 6: Teacher's Book Pack
Recent Advances in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy Technologies: Proceedings from ICoFT 2020 (Lecture...
Thin Films on Glass (Schott Series on Glass and Glass Ceramics)