Die Speichergruben der späturnenfelderzeitlichen Wallanlage von Stillfried an der March: Von der Getreidelagerung bis...
The Cambridge History of China (The Cambridge History of China, 5, Band 5)
The Anti-Abortion Campaign in England, 1966-1989 (Routledge Research in Gender and History, Band 36)
Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory
The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom
Anglo-Saxon England (Routledge Library Editions: the Anglo-saxon World, 3)
Women Archaeologists under Communism, 1917-1989: Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, Exchange, and the 'People Without History'
Eretria XXIV La céramique d'époque hellénistique - Volume 1&2 (24): Une chrono-typologie au service de l'...
The Northern Danelaw: Its Social Structure, C.800-1100 (Studies in the Early History of Britain)
Miscellanea senatoria. Vol. 2 (Acta Senatus: B. Studien und Materialien)
Ostraka and Other Inscribed Material from Bir Shawish, Small Oasis: Excavation Seasons 2005 and 2007: Excavation...
The Mysteries of Mithras: A Different Account (Orientalische Religionen in der Antike, Band 24)
Inter-Nord 21
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, N° 106/2012 : Recueil d'études historiques...
Main-Kinzig-Kreis II: Altkreis Gelnhausen (Denkmaltopographie Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Kulturdenkmäler in Hessen)
Tree-ring Dating and Archaeology (Routledge Library Editions: Archaeology)
Death in Mycenaean Laconia: A Silent Place
Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches 1829-1929
Les Textes De La Pyramide De Merenre: Edition, Transcription Et Analys (Memoires Publies Par Les Membres De L'...
The Indus Civilization: Supplementary Volume to the Cambridge History of India /]cby Sir Mortimer Wheeler
Stone Tools in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Near East: A Guide
Tiersymbolik im archaischen Griechenland: Analogie und Ambivalenz im Bild