Erasme, Les Adages: Coffret 5 volumes, édition bilingue français-latin (Miroir des humanistes)
The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice (Routledge International Handbooks)
Architectural Graphics: Volume 2 - Graphics for Knowledge and Production (Springer Series in Design and Innovation...
Die chinesische Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert (Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur)
Oxford Readings in Ovid (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies)
Frühe Dramen (Ödön von Horváth: Wiener Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke)
Manuel de la philologie de l’édition (Manuals of Romance Linguistics, 4, Band 4)
Language Ideologies and the Vernacular in Colonial and Postcolonial South Asia: Rethinking Language, Culture and Society
Lacanian Psychoanalysis and American Literature: Metaphoric Truth, Imaginary Fiction, Letter Jouissance, and Nomination
Aristoteles: Aristotelis Opera. Volumen II
Bruders Hüter / Bruders Mörder: Intellektuelle und innergesellschaftliche Gewalt (Studien und Texte zur...
Arabiyyat Al-naas Fii Bilaad Al-shaam: An Introductory Course in Arabic
Song Beyond the Nation: Translation, Transnationalism, Performance (Proceedings of the British Academy, 236)
The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh: Essays, Articles, and Reviews 1922-1934: Volume 26
Aeschyli Persae (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana)
Love, Friendship, and Narrative Form After Bloomsbury: The Progress of Intimacy in History
UX Writing: Designing User-Centered Content
Kafka Alle Werke Ausnahmslos Alle Werke Von Franz Kafka In Einem Sammelband: Amerika, Prozeß, Schloß, Erzählungen...
Goethe-Handbuch: Sonderausgabe Taschenbuch - 12. August 2004
The Hand of Cicero
Aristophanes' Acharnians
The Political Economy of Indo-European Polytheism: How to Deal with Too Many Gods (Contributions to Economics)
Shakespeare, Love and Language
Die Poesie der Liebe: Aufsätze zur deutschen Liebeslyrik