Constructing the Craft of Public Administration: Perspectives from Australia
Leadership Action and Intervention in Health, Business, Education, and Technology
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence: Literacy Lessons and Activities for Every Month of the School Year
How Everyday Forms of Racial Categorization Survived Imperialist Censuses in Puerto Rico
State-led Privatisation and the Demise of the Democratic State: Welfare Reform and Localism in an Era of Regulatory...
Handbook on Energy Justice (The Elgar Handbooks in Energy, the Environment and Climate Change)
Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management: An Introduction (Routledge Masters in Public...
The Palgrave Handbook of Security, Risk and Intelligence
CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action
Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century (Federalism and Internal Conflicts)
Separated Migrant Young Women in State Care: Living in Contested Spaces (Studies in Childhood and Youth)
A Political Ecology of Kenya’s Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (Eastern Africa, 58)
Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being: Insights from Cross-Cultural Studies (Societies and Political Orders in...
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care
The University of the Third Age and Active Ageing: European and Asian-Pacific Perspectives (International...
Pink Hats and Ballots: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Women's Political Activism in the Age of Trump, Coronavirus...
Policy Practice for Social Workers: An Ethic of Care Approach
Pandemic, Lockdown, and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Administration, NGOs, and...
The Economics of Education: Human Capital, Family Background and Inequality
The Cultural Infrastructure of Cities (Urban Worlds)
The European Union's International Promotion of LGBTI Rights: Promises and Pitfalls (Routledge Studies in Gender...
Ecological Justice and the Extinction Crisis: Giving Living Beings their Due
Pandemien und ihre Bekämpfung.: Wirtschaftsethische und moralökonomische Perspektiven. (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften)
Semiotic Approaches to Urban Space: Signs and Cities (Spatial Interventions)