Opuntia spp.: Chemistry, Bioactivity and Industrial Applications
Profile of the International Membrane Industry - Market Prospects to 2008
Advances in Structural Technologies: Select Proceedings of CoAST 2019 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 81, Band 81)
Handbook on Digital Corporate Communication
Architectural Graphics: Volume 2 - Graphics for Knowledge and Production (Springer Series in Design and Innovation...
The Econometrics of Multi-dimensional Panels: Theory and Applications (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied...
Handbook on Energy Justice (The Elgar Handbooks in Energy, the Environment and Climate Change)
Building Measurement: New Rules of Measurement
Events and Infrastructures: Critical Interrogations (Routledge Critical Event Studies Research)
The CRISPR/Cas Tool Kit for Genome Editing
HandelsMonitor Food Online - Hype oder die Zukunft des LEH?
The Fintech Disruption: How Financial Innovation Is Transforming the Banking Industry (Palgrave Studies in Financial...
Modern Manufacturing Systems: Trends and Developments (Frontiers of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
Clinical Case Studies on Medication Safety
Advances in Renewable Energies and Power Technologies: Volume 1: Solar and Wind Energies
Entrepreneurship and the Industry Life Cycle: The Changing Role of Human Capital and Competences (Studies on...
Medicinal, Aromatic and Stimulant Plants (Handbook of Plant Breeding, 12, Band 12)
Economic Challenges of Pension Systems: A Sustainability and International Management Perspective
Carbon Capture and Storage
International Comparison of Pension Systems: An Investigation from Consumers’ Viewpoint (Contributions to Management...
Kuwait and Al-Sabah: Tribal Politics and Power in an Oil State
Diversity and Inclusion in the Global Workplace: Aligning Initiatives with Strategic Business Goals
Finance Compact Plus: 2 Halbbände
Trends and Future Directions in Security and Emergency Management (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Band 257)