Data Science in Engineering, Volume 9: Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural...
Mechanism Design for Robotics: MEDER 2021 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, Band 103)
Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools
Automatisierte Kundenakquise Dank Online Marketing Strategie: Mehr Wachstum & Umsatz für Startups, Selbstständige...
Marketing and Smart Technologies: Proceedings of ICMarkTech 2021, Volume 2 (Smart Innovation, Systems and...
The 2023-2028 World Outlook for Mobile Enterprise Business Applications
Global Perspectives on Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Development and Applications (Advances in Computational...
The 2023-2028 Outlook for Telecom IT Services in the United States
Big Data Science and Analytics for Smart Sustainable Urbanism: Unprecedented Paradigmatic Shifts and Practical...
Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Volume III: Curved Twistor Spaces (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in...
The 2023-2028 World Outlook for Converged Infrastructure Solutions and Services for the IT and Telecommunications...
Experimental Robotics: The 17th International Symposium (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, 19, Band 19)
The Internet of Things: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Discrete-Event System Simulation: Discre Event System Simula _5
3D Imaging-Multidimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning: 3D Images, Graphics and Information Technologies...
The 2016-2021 Outlook for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Programs in the United States
Architectural Graphics: Volume 2 - Graphics for Knowledge and Production (Springer Series in Design and Innovation...
Risk Assessment and Countermeasures for Cybersecurity
The 2021-2026 World Outlook for Government and Regulatory Agency eDiscovery
The 2023-2028 World Outlook for Cloud Multichannel Campaign Management
Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models: Proceedings of ICC3 2015 (Advances in...
Future of Organizations and Work After the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data...
Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability: Proceedings of ICIMES 2020 (Smart Innovation, Systems and...
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of CoMSO 2020 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 206...