European Transformations: The Long Twelfth Century (Notre Dame Conferences in Medieval Studies)
History: An Introduction to Theory and Method
Anglo-Saxon England (Routledge Library Editions: the Anglo-saxon World, 3)
Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschprachigen Raum. 1650 bis 1750: Zeitalter des Konfessionalismus: Band 4...
Emotions and the Making of Psychiatric Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1820 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions)
Following the Levellers, Volume One: Political and Religious Radicals in the English Civil War and Revolution, 1645-1649
C.H.J. Taylor and the Rhetoric of Race in Post-Reconstruction America
The Northern Danelaw: Its Social Structure, C.800-1100 (Studies in the Early History of Britain)
The Historiography of Genocide
Bagehot: The English Constitution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Constructing Paris in the Age of Revolution
Die symbolische Macht der Apokalypse: Eine kritisch-materialistische Kulturgeschichte politischer Endzeit (Cultural...
What is Environmental History? (What is History?)
A Cultural History of the Senses in the Age of Enlightenment (The Cultural Histories Series)
Because of Eve: Historical and Theological Survey of the Subjugation of Women in the Christian Tradition
British Railways 1948-73: A Business History
The Korean War (Seminar Studies)
Heimat global: Modelle, Praxen und Medien der Heimatkonstruktion (Edition Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. Nr. 188)
Eastern Métis: Chronicling and Reclaiming a Denied Past
Feminism and Voluntary Action: Eglantyne Jebb and Save the Children, 1876-1928
The Tulip: The Story of a Flower That Has Made Men Mad
Feeding Gotham: The Political Economy and Geography of Food in New York, 1790-1860
Wiener Naturgeschichten: Vom Museum in die Stratosphäre
Handbuch Transdisziplinäre Didaktik (Hochschulbildung: Lehre und Forschung, Bd. 1)