The Northern Danelaw: Its Social Structure, C.800-1100 (Studies in the Early History of Britain)
Strange Allies: Britain, France and the Dilemmas of Disarmament and Security, 1929-1933 (Routledge Studies in Modern...
Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte im deutschprachigen Raum. 1650 bis 1750: Zeitalter des Konfessionalismus: Band 4...
Marketing Health: Smoking and the Discourse of Public Health in Britain, 1945-2000
Early English Intercourse with Burma, 1587-1743 and the Tragedy of Negrais
Emotions and the Making of Psychiatric Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1820 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions)
The Procaccini and the Business of Painting in Early Modern Milan (Visual Culture in Early Modernity)
Postcolonial Germany: Memories of Empire in a Decolonized Nation (Oxford Historical Monographs)
Allies or Enemies: Political relations between Spain and Great Britain during the reign of Ferdinand VII (1808-1833)
The King's Two Maps: Cartography & Culture in Thirteenth-Century England: Cartography and Culture in...
The Cultural History of Augustan Rome: Texts, Monuments, and Topography
Financial Revolution 1660 - 1750, The (Seminar Studies)
Imagining Ireland Abroad, 1904-1945: Conceiving the Nation, Identity, and Borders in Central Europe
Zur Theorie von Krieg und Frieden in der italienischen Renaissance: Die "Disputatio de pace et bello zwischen...
Inscribing the Time: Shakespeare and the End of Elizabethan England (The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics...
Constructing Paris in the Age of Revolution
Painting in Renaissance Perugia: Perugino, Raphael, and Their Circles
Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik Band 56
Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome
Geschichte in den Social Media: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in Erinnerungskulturen auf Facebook, Twitter...
The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910: Radicalism and Community (Oxford Historical Monographs)
Empire Ascendant: The British World, Race, and the Rise of Japan, 1894-1914
Lepanto als Ereignis: Dezentrierende Geschichte(n) der Seeschlacht von Lepanto (1571) (Berliner Mittelalter- und...
Between the Living and the Dead: A Perspective on Witches and Seers in the Early Modern Age